23 Days of Omer: Discipline of Will, Din ShebeNetzach

Today is twenty-three days, which is three weeks and two days of the Omer in the year 5781. דין שבנצח, Din ShebeNetzach: Discipline within Will.

Mondays have gotten harder in our house. The weight of Zoom elementary school is heavy in our house. My patience wears thin. My whole being yearns for a return to normalcy.

Prayer through this eternity

Heavenly Mother, grant me the strength to hold my children through the last few months of the school year.

May we have the discipline to complete our homework.

Muse of joyful learning, may you return to our home.

Let us remember this time is fleeting.

Dude, books

Previously, I wrote more copy...

The strength of eternity in the midst of COVID-19, 5780 / 2020.

Disciplined endurance to accept who I am, 5779 / 2019.

Finding will, changing habits, 5778 / 2018.

The source of evil, 5777 / 2017.

Image by Mali Maeder via Pexels.


Compassion within Will, 24 Days Omer, Rachamim ShebeNetzach


Lovingkindness within Eternity, 22 Days of Omer, Chesed ShebeNetzach