Eighteen Days of the Omer: Enduring Truth

Today was eighteen days, which was two weeks and four days of the Omer. נצח שבתפארת, Netzach ShebeTiferet, Eternity of Beauty, Enduring Truth.

Counting the Omer adds meaning to my life because making space for thinking about the ideas that form the matrix of meaning in my life is soul nourishing. Every year, my count is different. And so, even though I did not meditate on the eighteenth day in order (due to illness), I am making time for the reflection.

Enduring Truth. The revelation of Judaism's daily relevance pierced my soul. It took several years to chip away at my cold exterior, to reignite my passion for deep wisdom. Growing up, I did not have access to complicated ideas, to the wisdom behind the myths. I only knew The Law and the ways we navigate between What is Right and What We Do.

Enduring Truth is not historical accuracy. It is not the police blotter report, "just the facts,ma'am" version of events. It is the meaning underneath the events that creates experience.

Enduring Truth are the core values that animate a fully present existence. It is knowing that no matter how deeply you feel, or how passionately you know, your perspective is not the ultimate perspective.

Enduring Truth is the pulsing love that connects everything to everything. It is the Divine manifesting reality.

May we each experience Enduring Truth and may we rise to the challenge of living within its shadow.

Previously on this day in the Omer

18 Days of the Omer 5778 / 2018: Beautiful order in the physical world making space for grace.

18 Days of the Omer 5777 / 2017: Praying for Enduring Compassion.

Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay


Nineteen Days of the Omer: Splendor of Beauty


Seventeen days of the Omer: Truth of Truth