Indwelling of Bonding, 42 Days of Omer 5782

Today is forty-two days, which is six weeks of the Omer in the year 5782. שכינה שביסוד Shekhinah ShebeYesod, Indwelling of Bonding. Memorial Day Weekend is beginning. Ordination is in three days. Our Shabbat table included my parents. Everyone finished the school year -- I now have a fourth grader and a first grader and no more rabbinical school assignments. I am so blessed and so grateful for everything and everyone in my life.

Shabbat Rest and Renewal

Sinking into the Flow of Time.

Allowing ourselves a Digital Sabbath.

The horror and anger and frustration and need will be there waiting tomorrow.

Choosing one full day away from the pull of doom-scrolling.

Blissful Shabbat

Snuggle up with a good book.

Take a nap.

Hug someone.

Take a walk.

Nondenominational Judaism

Perhaps the hardest part of graduating is letting go of the intellectual community at the Academy for Jewish Religion, California. I am excited that I will be living closer to one of my favorite professors, Dr. Joel Gereboff.

I am so grateful for my pluralistic and inclusive rabbinical school. We are truly colleagues with everyone at the seminary -- cantors, chaplains, Master of Jewish Studies students, as well as rabbis-in-training. I am a better person and a better spiritual leader because of the people I've been on this journey with.

AJRCA has existed in multiple locations in the six years I have matriculated. These last 2.5 years have been the hardest, as we've only been on Zoom. I am grateful I will be eating dinner with many of these folks in person on Sunday (outside) and will have an in-person (though strictly limited attendance) smicha experience.

Shabbat Shalom. I don't have much further insight on the Indwelling of Bonding. I pray we all find our way to our truest selves. So that you too can experience this overwhelming need to be quiet and just be.

My Queen, My Mother, Shekhinah showers me with Love with every breath I take.

The world is pulsing with desire for meaning. Let's dive into the pools of wisdom today. Let's allow ourselves time to heal and rest. Soon enough, we will start the journey towards creating a beloved future.

Previously on the 42nd Day...

Bonding With The Source of Life, 2021 / 5781

Honoring Our Physical Vessels, 2020 / 5780

The Foundation Of Being Is Ever-Present, 2019 / 5779

Sovereign Bonds In Life, 2018 / 5778

Bonding With The Immanent Divine, 2017 / 5777

Image by sun jib via Pixabay.


Covenantal Love within Divine Presence, 43 Days Omer 5782


Foundation: Grounded and Lifted, 41 Days Omer 5782