Lovingkindness within Bonding, 36 Days Omer 5781

Today is thirty-six days, which is five weeks and one day of the Omer in the year 5781. חסד שביסוד, Chesed ShebeYesod, Lovingkindness within Bonding. Yesod can be described as Bonding or Foundation. The week of allowing all of the emanations of holiness to flow through me. Or the week of distracted defiance of the eternal. We each choose how to live into the week.

I choose to take the time to consolidate all of the wisdom and inspiration of the prior five weeks. This week of bonding will form a vision for my embodied experience that aligns with these supernal qualities calling me.

Transforming personality to align with values

The Sephirot describe eternal values. The stories I tell about myself can either describe a rigid personality marching through time. Or, I can emphasize the opportunities for growth in each moment. Did I face life's challenges swimming in lovingkindness and truth? Or did I choose rigidity, judgment, and anger?

With adults, rooted in adult-level rationality, I find it easier to stay calm and open. With my children, I falter. They seem pre-programmed not to listen to basic instructions. So far, I consistently receive the following advice: stop caring whether your kid finishes his homework. For some reason, my partner and I cannot stop caring.

Nevertheless, my goal is transforming my responses to my kids away from judgment towards compassion. Perhaps I will reach my goal when they're in their thirties.

Prayer for foundational lovingkindness

Soul of Souls, Source of Creation:

Envelop me in your Divine Flow.

Allow me the strength to be a source of lovingkindness.

Help me to reach towards my children and the world with eyes of compassion,

rooted in love.



Boundaries within Foundation, 37 Days Omer 5781


Indwelling of Gratitude, 35 Days of Omer 5781