Sovereignty of Divine Presence, 49 Days Omer 5782

Today is the forty-ninth day, which is seven weeks of the Omer in the year 5782. שכינה שבשכינה, Shekhinah ShebeShekhinah, Malchut ShebeMalchut, Sovereignty of Divine Presence. As we are enveloped by the Sabbath Queen, we anticipate the day after today: Shavuot, Weeks, The Day of Revelation. During this Omer, I became a rabbi. How are you called to acknowledge God? Do you bind yourself to something beyond your ego?

Iguazu Falls: Largest Waterfall Chain in the World

Over 275 individual water falls. On the border of Argentina and Brazil. This is the natural wonder I most look forward to visiting one day. Water is essential to life. The flow of water reminds us that life continues to flow, beyond heart ache, beyond horror, and beyond our individual time in this life.

Making Space for the Sovereignty of God

There is nothing that makes my heart sing more than recognizing the truth of God's existence. These seven weeks of meditation are about how I implement godliness into the world. What are the Emanations of God that I can see refracted in this material reality? How can I make myself a better conduit of goodness? What do I need to do to be a servant of God?

Remembering Those We Have Lost

One of the kindest souls I've ever known, Gloria Jean Delia, left the world too soon. She knew with great certainty that one day I would be a rabbi, even before I was committed to the path. I think about a conversation we had during a late-night Shavuot study session when her delicate spirit confirmed my future for me.

I think about the wisdom and dignity of Rabbi Yaniv Dotan, z"l. And of course, of Dr. Bob Levy, of righteous memory. Ben Telushkin. Sheldon Minster. Kenny Minster. And Katie Cerullo. These are only the people whose passing have touched me deepest. I am still in search of Bar Mitzvah videos, trying to hear the voices of my grandparents one more time. The past is so elusive. Perhaps that is why time travel is an enduring fantasy.

My Prayer For the Days Ahead

Breathing fully into each day.

Committing to the future we want to create for ourselves and our communities.

Embracing eternal wisdom.

May we each reach towards El Shaddai.

May we feel embraced by the Unending Love enveloping us.

49 Days Omer Previously...

Enveloped In The Divine Presence, 2021 / 5781

Indwelling Divine Presence In A Pandemic, 2020 / 5780

Completion, Reflection, Expansion, 2019 / 5779

Moving Towards A Coherent Philosophy, 2018 / 5778

Acknowledging The Shadow Within, 2017 / 5777

Books for the Journey

Image by José Machado via Pexels.


Happy 4th...


Foundation of Divine Presence, 48 Days Omer 5782