Splendor of Compassion, 19 Days of the Omer 5781, Hod ShebeRachamim

Today is nineteen days of the Omer, which is two weeks and five days, in the year 5781. הוד שברחמים, Hod ShebeRachamim, Splendor of Compassion.

In 5778 / 2018, I wrote: The strength of Gevurah makes its way to material reality through Hod, piercing the veils of lies we cover ourselves with. Lies take many forms. In the United States, refusing to confront and overturn the systemic racism in healthcare and policing is killing people.

Last year, I wrote about the death of Rana Zoe Mungin, may her memory be a blessing. Too many Black women and men died from COVID-19 because their symptoms weren't taken as seriously as white people. This year, I am surrounded by the weight of death of Black / Latinx boys and men by police officers. Adam Toledo, thirteen and murdered by a police officer with his hands in the air. Daunte Wright, age 20, trying to keep his mama on the phone to provide car insurance information, murdered at a traffic stop. George Floyd murdered in police custody, begging for air and his mama.

The United States lied to itself when a Black man was elected president. White people took it as an opportunity to stop confronting racism, proclaiming a post-racial era. You may not agree that systemic racism exists, but we need to be real about something: you will never stop seeing my husband's race. Whether Asian, Black, Indigenous, or Latinx -- ethnic / racial differences will always exist. We must learn to treat everyone with respect, and honor the sanctity of their lives, regardless of who they are.

Lives Cut Short

Source of Life, Eternal Womb, El Shaddai,

Help us to stand in solidarity with the mourners of your lost children.

Ease the shock of transition for those whose lives were cut short by cops and those who died under the weight of systemic racism.

May we have the strength to break down the veil of lies surrounding us. Help us to build truly just institutions that honor the dignity of each soul on this planet.

May the Splendor of Your Compassion flow through us and help us create a better world.

Help Create a Better World

Learning for Justice from the Southern Poverty Law Center (formerly Teaching Tolerance)

Teaching 6 Year-Olds About Privilege and Power, part of the KQED Mind/Shift podcast on the future of learning and how we raise our kids.

Ibram X. Kendhi's anti-racist reading list in the NY Times

An Anti-Racist Reading List from Book People

Anti-Racism Books beyond the ones selling out, Time Magazine

7 Anti-Racist Books, listed in the New York Magazine

Previously on this day...

COVID-19 death of Rana Zoe Mungin, 5780 / 2020.

Splendor of Beauty, 5779 / 2019.

The temple of my body, 5778 / 2018.

Holy splendor of learning Torah, 5777 / 2017.

Image by Quang Nguyen Vinh via Pexels.


Foundation of Compassion: 20 days of Omer 5781


Enduring Compassion, Israel Independence Day, 18 Days Omer, Netzach ShebeRachamim