Splendor of Foundation, 40 Days Omer 5781

Today is forty days, which is five weeks and five days of the Omer in the year 5781. הוד שביסוד, Hod ShebeYesod, Splendid Holiness of Foundation. Hod is the vessel of holiness, while Yesod is the foundation of personality and outward demeanor. Bringing together the energy of these two sephirot allows us the opportunity to root our actions in the depths of our souls.

The breadth of my being calls to me

It's been a difficult week. Unexpected death forces me to confront how deeply each day is a blessing. I am struggling mightily with the forces within me that want to distract me from this pain with retail therapy. My husband often asks me why I'm in such a rush to finish school. Losing a professor and three colleagues, along with my beloved uncle, in the last few years deepens my reflections. I thought my desire To Finish was rooted in my ego's need for validation. I cannot deny that is a part of it.

The underlying truth is that spirituality cracked me open in ways nothing else ever could. And I am anxious to help people waken to the souls within them. Simultaneously, the breadth of what I do not know, and how much I need to grow, takes my breath away. I've always been a voracious learner. I am grateful to find a calling that allows me to continue learning every day I am blessed with life.

Take a moment to make space for holiness today.

Ground yourself in the reality of splendor.

Appreciate your own breath.

Acknowledge the wonder of your body.

And revel in the opportunity to fully live into this day.

Previously today...

Holy vessel of grief and isolation, 2020 / 5780

Celebrating kindergarten graduation and family, 2019 / 5779

Blissful, total presence with one another, 2018 / 5778

Loosening material bonds to allow Divine splendor in, 2017 / 5777

Image via Pixabay.


Core of Foundation, 41 Days of Omer 5781


Eternal Foundation, 39 Days Omer 5781