Strength in Foundation, 37 Days Omer 5782

Today is thirty-seven days, which is five weeks and two days of the Omer in the year 5782. גבורה שביסוד, Gevurah ShebeYesod, Strength within Foundation. Where does our inner strength reside? Do my boundaries help me carry out my life's mission?

Living in Alignment With Ourselves

Right now, we are everything we need to be.

My Strength girds me for life's ups and downs.

My Boundaries allow me the space to live into the Fundamental Purpose of my life.

I am not afraid to joyfully embrace my strengths.

I allow myself time to enjoy life.

I embrace bonding with other people: this is the core strength of my life.

Rooted in material reality, I soar beyond the heavens.

Previously on the 37th Day of the Omer

Boundaries of Personality Allowing us to Bond to Eternity, 2021 / 5781

Boundaries during COVID-19, 2020 / 5780

Boundaries in Bonding, 2019 / 5779

Don’t lose yourself to the crowd, 2018 / 5778

Discipline in interpersonal relationships, 2017 / 5777

Image by Ana Callahan via Pixabay.


Harmonious Foundation, 38 Days Omer 5782


Covenantal Love within Foundation, 36 Days Omer 5782