Enduring Gratitude, 32 Days of Omer 5783

rainbow in a meadow with a power pole in the foreground

Today is thirty-two days, which is four weeks and four days of the Omer in the year 5783. נצח שבהוד, Netzach ShebeHod, Enduring Gratitude. How do we sustain Curiosity? Can our gaze see the Divine spark within everything?

Pause Before We Speak

Metabolizing our thoughts

Does not have to happen with our tongues.

No matter how frustrating someone is being,

Or how ridiculous something seems,

There is time to pause.

Fully take in the interior life of the Other.

See the Rainbow within each of us.

Honor The Souls Around Us

Greg Marcus writes that the soul trait of Honor

refers to giving Honor to those around us.

It is not about the ego within us striving to be seen.

Let us hold space for all that is alive.

Whether they are “annoying,”

or “past their time,”

or simply smarter / healthier / richer / poorer than us.

Each soul deserve to be honored as it walks through this life.

That Means Leaving Women Be

To be clear: I meant souls that are living embodied lives.

What women do with their bodies is their business.

Abortion is a human right.

Focus on Gratitude Regardless

Not ignoring reality.

Choosing to gaze into Gratitude.

Choose to live into the best parts of life.

There is so much Chaos in the world.

There are so many human-created problems.

We must challenge bad choices,

while remaining steadfast in our Gratitude for Living.

Image by Tom via Pixabay.


Spiritual Light of Dr. Bob Levy: Lag Ba’Omer 5783


Curiosity within Magnificence, 31 Days of Omer 5783