Grace within Boundaries, 8 Days of the Omer 5783

simple pier leading out into the Baltic Sea

Today is eight days, which is one week and one day of the Omer, in the year 5783. חסד שבגבורה, Chesed ShebeGevurah, Grace within Boundaries.

Be Here Now

As Ram Dass, formerly Richard Alpert, z”l, wrote, “Be Here Now.”

Let us recognize exactly where we are.
Let us accept that this is who we are and what is happening.

Let us swim up to the boundaries of ourselves and our situations.

And let us say thanks.

Choose This Day

Often the Omer count can bring up a lot of negative energy.

Reawakening to our responsibility can deluge us with regrets.

The past weighs heavily on the seeker of revelation.

In reality, we cannot go farther than today.

Allow the past to fade.

Just for today.

Choose this day.

Boundaries Need Grace

Boundaries, Discipline, Judgment, Strength: these are the faces of Gevurah.

Without Grace, they spin off and create the Sitra Achra.

Grace comes first because Boundaries alone create Evil.

Everything comes from The Eternal.

Boundaries Tilted Towards Hope

Discipline should never override joy.

Boundaries must be crossed to access pure love.

Whatever holds us back, let’s remember that Grace flows through boundaries.

Ultimately, all boundaries wash away.

Grace remains.

Image by DBU DirektesSehen from Pixabay.


Boundaries and Judgment, Nine Days Omer 5783


Indwelling of Grace, Seven Days of Omer 5783