Gratitude of Bonding, 40 Days of Omer 5783

geese on the side of a lake with the sun beaming down from upper right

Today is forty days, which is five weeks and five days of the Omer in the year 5783. הוד שביסוד, Hod ShebeYesod, Gratitude within Foundation. I am so grateful for my synagogue community and my family, the pillars that bind me to a life of meaning. What binds you to living into the expansiveness of your soul?

People Need People

Humans are social animals.

We thrive in community.

As importantly, it is our duty to support one another.

That can only be done in community.

May we take time today to honor the communities that support us.

May we find ways, big and small, to let people know how meaningful they are to us.

Soul Work Needs Human Companionship

Beyond social media and streaming videos,

Humans need authentic human interaction.

Only when we are reflected in the eyes of another,

Do we truly feel alive.

Make time and space for other humans.

Tzedekah: A Way to Honor Our Shared Humanity

The Jewish value of tzedekah is an obligation, not a last minute choice.

We have a financial obligation to support one another and create social uplift.

Find an organization (or individual in need) today and give some tzedekah.

May we be blessed with robust community and mutual respect.

Image by Antonios Ntoumas via Pixabay.


Bonding within Bonding: Our Foundation, 41 Days Omer 5783


Eternal Bonding, 39 Days of Omer 5783