Requesting Forgiveness, Selichot 5783

stone path leads from flowers and greenery to snow covered mountains

Selichot are prayers said during the month of Elul and during the High Holy Days, Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur, to ask G!d to forgive us for failing to live up to the best version of ourselves.

As much as we yearn to be connected to the Divine, the Holy One cannot absolve us for our transgressions against other human beings. We are required to do a personal accounting of our lives, an accounting of the depths of our being, a Chsehbon HaNefesh. Where we have failed other humans, we must make amends, pay restitution, sincerely apologize, and resolve to make a better choice the next time a similar situation arises.

Temple Israel of Alameda is meeting this evening for our Selichot Service. Traditionally, this service begins at midnight on the Saturday night preceding Rosh HaShanah. As our goal is to make Judaism accessible to as many people as possible, our gathering will begin at 7pm with a reception, followed by Havdalah, the Selichot Service, and concluding with a study session. Our Study Session will be guided by my Source Sheet for Selichot 5783.


Self-Reflexive Self Actualization: The Life Changing Power of Tefillah, Jewish Prayer


Enveloped By Divine Presence, 49 Days of Omer 5783