Flags on the Bimah
Text of sermon for Veteran’s Day 2023, in light of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Reflecting on Haninah S’gan HaKohanim’s desire for us to pray for the wellbeing of the government.

Background on Israel, Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO
Background information for understanding the Hamas - Israel War.

Today We Are Reborn, Yom Kippur Sermon 5784
Yom Kippur is a time for renewal. A time for sinking into the people we want to be. What are the elements of life we desire to bring forward in this new spiritual year? Sermon for Yom Kippur Morning Service 5784.

Tzedakah: Righteousness Is When People Give Money to the Poor. Kol Nidre Sermon 5784
Giving tzedakah, money to the poor, is one of the ways to make our lives better. I internalized this teaching through chevruta with a Bar Mitzvah student. Kol Nidre sermon, 5783.

Returning to the Path of Goodness and Truth: Teshuvah
Returning to our deepest selves. Returning to the path of Goodness and Truth. This is the Teshuvah expected of us on Rosh HaShanah. We must apologize to the people we’ve harmed and clarify the people we want to be.

Self-Reflexive Self Actualization: The Life Changing Power of Tefillah, Jewish Prayer
Jewish tradition relies on three pillars: Prayer, Returning to the Path of Authenticity, and Righteous Action. This Erev Rosh HaShanah 5784 sermon explore Jewish prayer, Tefillah.

Requesting Forgiveness, Selichot 5783
How do we return to our authentic selves? How do we forgive ourselves for not living up to our ideals? How do we ask for forgiveness from people we have harmed? Selichot, Penitential Prayers, support us in returning and renewing our lives.

Enveloped By Divine Presence, 49 Days of Omer 5783
Forty nine days of the Omer, which is seven complete weeks. שכינה שבשכינה, Shekhinah ShebeShekhinah, Enveloped By Divine Presence. Acknowledging God, creating Sacred Community, and building paths to soul transformation.

Foundation of Divine Presence, 48 days of the Omer 5783
Today is 48 days of the Omer, which is 6 weeks and 6 days. Foundation of Divine Presence: reflecting on the ways we make space for the Holy and the Good throughout our days. Connecting to the soul within and the Conscious Community that helps us live into our best selves.

Gratitude for Divine Presence, 47 Days of Omer 5783
Today is 47 days of the Omer. Hod ShebeShekhinah. Gratitude for Divine Presence. How do we ensure we are connected to the Ground of Being as we travel through our days? How do we express Gratitude for being alive?

Enduring Divine Presence 46 Days of Omer 5783
46 Days of the Omer, Netzach ShebeShekhinah, Enduring Divine Presence. How do we make space for the Ground of Being, even when we stumble in our daily lives?

Beauty of Divine Presence, 45 Days Omer 5783
45 days of the Omer, Tiferet ShebeShekhinah, Beauty within Divine Presence. The glorious holiness of being held firmly in community. Let’s hold space for each other as we walk towards Truth and Justice.

Discernment within Divine Presence, Gevurah ShebeShekhinah 5783
43 days of the Omer, Gevurah ShebeShekhinah. Discernment within Divine Presence. Holding space for our journeys through life. The goal is to travel. Perfection is not obtainable.

Grace within Divine Presence, 43 Days Omer 5783
Today is 43 days of the Omer, Chesed ShebeShechinah, Grace within Divine Presence. Accepting the Love of God regardless of our human mistakes. Choosing to live into Love and building the world from Love.

Indwelling of Bonding, 42 Days of Omer 5783
Today is 42 days of the Omer, Shekhinah ShebeYesod, the Indwelling of Bonding. The Core Values we align with and the People we make space for help us live into our best selves.

Bonding within Bonding: Our Foundation, 41 Days Omer 5783
41 days of the Omer, Bonding within Bonding: Our Foundation. Finding ways to stay connected to what is most meaningful to us. Remembering to be The Light.

Gratitude of Bonding, 40 Days of Omer 5783
Today is 40 days of the Omer, Hod ShebeYesod, Gratitude within Bonding. Reflecting on the ways community enlivens us and allows us to live into our full potential.

Eternal Bonding, 39 Days of Omer 5783
39 days of the Omer, Eternal Bonding. Choosing to commit to relationships in order to support the wider community and our individual growth.

Harmonious Bonding: 38 Days of Omer 5783
Harmonious Bonding, 38 days of the Omer. Choosing to actively embrace community to enhance life’s journey. Making a commitment to people beyond ourselves.