Boundaries within Bonding, 37 Days Omer 5783
Today is thirty-seven days, which is five weeks and two days of the Omer in the year 5783. גבורה שביסוד, Gevurah ShebeYesod, Boundaries within Bonding. Do we hold space for ourselves in relationship? Do my boundaries help me carry out my life's mission?
Human Relationships: With The Other and The Self
It is important to mark the Boundaries of our relationships.
No matter how much a person or institution needs us, we must remember ourselves as individuals.
We are all dust and ashes.
We are all replaceable.
And for us, the world was created.
Our healthy Boundaries make our Bonding stronger.
Accepting our limits allows us to flourish.
None of us are angels.
No one is perfect.
Nor do we have limitless energy.
We recognize that human bonding is the cornerstone of healthy living.
And we nourish the bonds between us.
Photo by Dimitris Vetsikas via Pixabay.