Indwelling of Boundaries, 14 Days of the Omer 5783
Today is the fourteenth day, which is two weeks, of the Omer in the year 5783. שכינה שבגבורה, Shekhinah ShebeGevurah, Indwelling of Boundaries. Completing a week of meditation into Gevurah, how can we embrace how limits enhance us?
We don’t need to do it all. Choose a place to start.
Life is about process, not finished product.
In the end, we all die.
The Jewish goal is living fully into the life we are living in this body, at this moment.
Pay Attention To Our Bodies
It is so easy to live without feeling our bodies.
To hunch over screens and live more fully online than in person.
Or perhaps to live for the people around us,
ignoring the person within.
Resting Is Divine
We should never be hustling 24/7.
We shouldn’t be available 24/6.
Shabbat should be 1/7 of every day.
1/7 of every hour.
1/7 of every minute.
1/7 of every second.
This isn’t about breathing tools or ignoring trauma.
This is about allowing ourselves the clarity to create space to cease.
Space to regenerate ourselves.
Choosing One Habit to Alter
Every year during the Omer count,
I try to tackle one habit.
I’m done berating myself
for not living up to the Perfect Vision
I have in my mind of who I should be.
Instead, I’m acknowledging my body.
Being grateful that it has gotten me this far.
Allowing my body to take breaks when it needs to.
And setting my phone down as much as possible.
Season of Joy
Temple Israel is in the opening act of a season of joy.
I officiated at a wedding last weekend.
We have six B’nei Mitzvah celebrations in the next nine weeks.
Plus my installation.
Followed quickly by our Annual General Meeting and Calendar Meeting.
I can’t wait to introduce more people to our haimish and soulful community.
Photo by Krivec Ales via Pexels.