Splendor of Eternity, 26 Days of the Omer 5783

Today is twenty-six days, which is three weeks and five days, of the Omer in the year 5783. הוד שבנצח, Hod ShebeNetzach, Splendor of Eternity. All this soul work is crashing into reality. How do we manifest our best intentions?

The Voice Within Crashes Into Reality

Now is the time to externalize what we have been learning.

Today, we can articulate the turn in the road.

Now we understand how precious our souls are.

Today, we can honor the splendor we carry within ourselves.

Love Yourself Into Eternity

We are complete.

We are beautiful.

We are phenomenal.

It is a miracle to be alive.

We do not need to accomplish anything else to be worthy of eternity.

We do not need to know anything else to be complete.

The Splendor of Embodied Spirituality

Our bodies are holy vessels.

There is nothing innately sinful about being human.

Everything within us can turn towards Goodness and Love.

Every aspect of us was created to speak Holy Truth.

Make Time for the Splendid Space Within

Hod exists within us at all times.

Even if our desks are cluttered,

Even when our minds are scattered,

Splendor resonates from our Souls.

May we reach towards the Glory within,

Speaking the Eternal with our every breath.

Image by Alexandr Potapov via Pixabay


Relationships: Foundation of Endurance, 27 Days Omer 5783


Eternal Endurance, 25 Days of the Omer 5783