Eternal Endurance, 25 Days of the Omer 5783

Lighting illuminates the night sky over a city

Today is twenty-five days, which is three weeks and four days of the Omer, in the year 5783. נצח שבנצח, Netzach ShebeNetzach. Eternal Endurance. The Power of Endurance is ignited and expanded in its purest form. Thunder and Lightning crackle within us, compelling us toward action. What action will bring us closer to the purpose of our lives?

The Journey Towards Wholeness Extends Outward

We are turning the corner towards the Revelation calling us on Shavuot.

Previously, we prepared our minds and hearts to receive The Truth.

Now, we look at the world around us to create space for change.

Speech Making Space for Eternity

Are our honest thoughts what needs to be spoken into the world?

How can we metabolize our feelings without vomiting venom?

Harnessing negativity in search of human flourishing?

The Prophetic Voice Speaks Beyond the Ego

Our ego thoughts, feelings, and emotions are only one aspect of our full selves.

When we connect with the Higher Self, we recognize the worlds around us.

Each human is suffering and each human has their own perspective.

By connecting into the Prophetic Voice, we hold space for everyone experiencing this moment.

Love the World Into Eternity

Step aside from angst.

For a moment, stop looking at what needs to change.

Revel in all that we are and all that we have overcome.

Love the world into eternity.

Image by Français via Pixabay.


Splendor of Eternity, 26 Days of the Omer 5783


Healing Waters Within Endurance, 24 Days Omer 5783